TFL Consulting on changes to black cab and private hire licensing in London

28 Mar

TfL is currently consulting on a number of potential changes to black cab and private hire licensing in London with the aim of improving passenger safety. They are proposing 19 changes to improve safety and safeguarding for all passengers, especially children and vulnerable adults.

The measures include:

  1. Prescribe a licence condition that will require all taxi drivers to inform TFL of any arrest and release, charge or conviction of any offence within 48 hours. This prescribed condition will apply to all licensed taxi drivers with immediate effect.
  2. Attach a condition to every PHV driver licence issued on or after the implementation date that the licence holder informs TFL of any arrest and release, charge or conviction of any offence within 48 hours. The condition will be applied to all PHV drivers over the three-year renewal cycle.
  3. Amend the regulation that requires PHV operators to notify TFL of convictions within 14 days to state 48 hours and extend the requirement to include “arrest and release, charge, caution or conviction.
  4. Require all taxis and PHVs to display signage that will include information on how to make a complaint to TfL alongside other statutory and important safety information
  5. To introduce a new licence condition that will require all existing licensed PHV operators to provide a basic DBS check each year within 28 days of the anniversary of the licence issue date
  6. To require all new applicants for a PHV operator’s licence to provide a basic DBS certificate annually
  7. To prescribe a new licence condition that all PHV operators must keep a register of booking and dispatch staff

The consultation is running until 12th May.  You can read the proposals in full and express your views on the proposals here.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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